Thursday, April 3, 2014

Creating Healthy Habits

Set Realistic Goals
Know the difference between a wish and a goal. A goal can be attained through a specific and clearly defined plan, but a goal must also be realistic. If you set a goal that is unattainable for you, no amount of planning will help you to succeed. Once you have determined your goal, it is also helpful to set "sub-goals." So you will have a long term goal, but you should make check points and smaller goals (monthly, weekly or daily) that help you achieve your ultimate goal. On a side-note, DO NOT let celebrity culture influence your goals, the constant use of Photoshop has transformed those glossy images and what you see is the farthest thing from reality!
Create an Environment of Success
When trying to make a lifestyle change, the worst thing is to have friends who discourage your success. Surround yourself with people who have similar goals, or that are role models. The latter can sometimes be intimidating but take the plunge, most of these people have their own goals and struggles and they can easily relate to yours. A vision or motivation board can help you to visualize your goal and keep you focused. Pinterest is one of the best places to find ideas for this, however beware of what you pick. Please do not fall for those extremes that are clearly not healthy!
Invest in Yourself
This really is short and sweet, YES being healthier can be more expensive. So know ahead of time that you will have to put some cash into this, but that money is well spent because it is an investment in yourself and you future. Do your homework, determine where you can skimp and where you can save, and way to alleviate these costs.
Consistency is Key
I know that setting routines can be difficult because our lives can be hectic and constantly changing, but set a routine and stick to it to the very best of your ability. Make a plan for the next day the night before and start small when adding new tasks to your day, it will soon become a habit and you will automatically move from task to task. Now for a small disclaimer, you must know your limits and listen to yourself. Nothing will set you back as quickly as injuries or a lack of energy from improper nutrition. Ask for help when you need it, listen and be honest with yourself so you can maintain during this challenging but healthy change.
Make Trades, Not Eliminations
DO NOT cut out everything bad cold turkey, trading up and phasing out is the best approach. Small changes make it easier to change habits that are ingrained in us. Write down all the things that are detrimental to your health, determine which can be improved and which need to be eliminated all together and then make a schedule for these changes. For example, if soda is your vice, eliminate that first and leave the rest alone.
Learn to Manage Stress
Stress can be especially harmful when trying to make changes. Learning to manage, or eradicate, stress will be an essential part of a lifestyle change. It is extremely important because the affects of stress on the body are manifold. There are a variety of healthy ways to manage stress, find a method that works best for you and stick to it. There are also supplements that can help manage stress hormones and help the body to recover.
It Will Not Be Perfect
One final note, this transition will not be perfect, but that is OKAY. Know ahead of time that you will make mistakes, you will eat cake, you will skip a day of working out. If you acknowledge and accept this NOW you are more likely to forgive yourself and move on. Also it is important to be prepared so that when you do slip up you don't allow it to turn into a major set back. Often, a cheat or rest day can be very helpful to avoid major pitfalls.


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