Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Toxic Mercury and Your Brain - Why You Need to Be ProActive

Ask people what they fear most about old age, and you'll hear Alzheimer's disease from almost all of them. It's a fear they are likely to sound hopeless about, too. No known cause, no known cure, progressive, eventually fatal, nothing to be done.
So, is that really true, that all those of us who don't have that diagnosis can only await our fate with our fingers crossed?
More and more scientists think not. Many are using phrases such as 'mercury exposure' and 'mercury toxic load' and 'accumulated body burden of mercury' when listing top suspected contributing factors for those who end up with an Alzheimer's diagnosis.
It's long been known that mercury is a neurotoxin (meaning toxic to nerves and nerve tissue). The phrase 'mad as a hatter' was coined as far back as the mid 1800's when the people using mercury to make hats developed strange behaviors and mental illnesses secondary to their mercury exposure.
Perhaps you'd like to see for yourself what they are finding out about mercury. If, so, check out the two resources below so you can see for yourself what mercury does to nerves.
The first resource will show you so you can see with your own eyes the changes induced in brain nerve endings when exposed to mercury - changes which are the same as the 'neurofibrillary tangles' seen in the brain of Alzheimer's patients. In a little more than 4 minutes, you'll see why getting your mercury exposure under control is so crucial if you don't want to end up with an Alzheimer's diagnosis yourself. You'll find it in YouTube by searching for 'Just how toxic is mercury? - It's a study conducted by the University of Calgary."
The second resource demonstrates why the biggest toxic mercury exposure you will receive comes from your 'silver amalgam' fillings. That's because they are over 50% mercury. You can see for yourself what's happening to mercury in your mouth. You'll find it also on YouTube by searching for 'Smoking teeth = Poison Gas."
Don't just run out and get all your mercury-containing fillings removed, however (even if you can afford it.) You could end up dumping a massive amount of mercury all at once, and then not being able to eliminate it. People who have done this have ended up with major health problems, like heart failure, for example, or kidney failure, or even death.
Instead, take it slowly, with small, constructive steps. If you have 'silver' amalgam fillings, consider removing them one at a time with a few months in between each. This approach can still head off big destructive consequences down the road.
You may think it's mildly inconvenient to take the time for them now, but it isn't nearly as inconvenient as having neurfibrillary tangles!
If you would like to find out how many of your symptoms are due to toxic metals, you're invited to go to, where you can access a free, self-assessment questionnaire.


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