The Bible is not necessarily a medical textbook; nor does it
serve as a behavioral constraint. Still, there are advantageous benefits
from understanding the supernal view of health as expressed in the
Bible. These are some of the Bible's recommendations for good health and
"Meditate... day and night..." - Joshua 1:8
people are not raised to sit in solitude and mumble "mumbo jumbo." But
meditation is making a comeback from the ages. "The relaxation response
[from meditation] helps decrease metabolism, lowers blood pressure, and
improves heart rate, breathing and brain waves," says cardiologist
Herbert Benson, MD. Any condition that's caused or worsened by stress
can be alleviated through meditation, he further adds. No wonder when
when Joshua was assigned the weighty task as overseer over the nation of
ancient Israel which was no doubt stressful due to daunting task that
lay ahead, he was advised to "meditate" thereon day and night in an
"undertone." (Joshua 1:8) Isaac whom the death of his mother brought
discomfort took time to "meditate" at nightfall. (Genesis 24:63)
Likewise, wise King Solomon did much meditation in order to find
"delightful words and writing correct words of truth."- Ecclesiastes
"Eat honey... it is good for you" - Proverbs 24:13
for superior sweetness, honey is also known for its medical values.
Ancient Egyptians and Greeks used honey for treating wounds and believed
honey contributed to long life.
In the Bible, John the Baptizer
who was on a restricted diet ate wild honey as one of his main
sustenance. (Matthew 3:1,4) The athletic or energy giving property of
honey is illustrated in the case of Prince Jonathan who, exhausted from
battle ate honey. It is said, his eyes "began to beam."-1Samuel 14:25-30
studies show honey is superior in maintaining glycogen levels and
improving recovery time than other sweeteners. It has also been studied
that honey's flavonoids and antioxidants can help reduce the risk of
some cancers and heart diseases. While honey is good, the Bible warns
overeating it can cause nausea (Proverbs 25:16)-a quintessence of how
the Heptakometes defeated Pompeii's Roman troops in Asia Minor during
the first century BC.
"Wine makes the heart rejoice..." - Psalms 104:5
Bible refers to wine as a "happy" stimuli, even recommending taking "a
little wine" for "stomach... sickness." (1Timothy 5:23, Psalms 104: 15)
Because of the joyful spirit associated with wine, it is usually served
on festive occasions, such as wedding feasts. It was at a wedding feast
that Jesus Christ performed his first recorded miracle-turning water
into "fine wine." (John 2:1-11) Wine was also used for other medicinal
purposes in the bible. - Luke 10:34
In a study published by the
Journals of Gerontology, wine was deduced to promote longevity. Another
study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine finds wine reduces
heart risks and diseases.
What the Bible condemns is drunkenness
and overindulgence. (1 Corinthians 6:9,10) So if you find yourself in a
gutter at dawn after a night of drinking, you should probably abstain
from wine.
"You must not eat... any blood at all" - Leviticus 3:3-17
plays a major role in our body; from carrying away waste products to
safeguarding the body against infection and more. Does this make it a
healthy meal as some have claimed?
The chemical makeup of blood is
so complex that there is a great deal unknown to scientists. What is
certain is that the blood of animals carries diseases-some very harmful
to humans. However, the Bible which has stood the test of time considers
blood as something sacred, referring to it as "the source of life."
(Deuteronomy 12:23) Abstaining from blood is mentioned in parallel to
"good health!" The prohibition included flesh with the blood in it:
"things strangled." - Acts 15:22,28,29
The fact is, blood, when
ingested, is toxic. A regular consumption can lead to iron overdose and
thus a vehement of diseases "as liver damage, low blood pressure,
nervous disorders" amongst others. Hate to break it, but your
aspirations as a vampire will endanger your health.
"Obedience is better than sacrifice... "- 1Samuel 15:22
biblical saying, "obedience is better than sacrifice" has been
paralleled to the saying, "prevention is better than cure." How does
this affect health?
The Mosaic Law solemnly required disposal of
sewage in a covered hole far from settlement (Deuteronomy 23:12,13)
Corpse of animals or humans were not to be touched and if touched
washing with water was required. (Leviticus 11:27, 28; Numbers 19:14-16)
Those with infectious diseases like lepers were quarantined until a
physical examination confirmed that they were no longer
contagious.-Leviticus 13:1-8.
Today, medical studies and recent
discoveries have showed proper sewage disposal, hand washing, and
quarantine remain effective ways to fight diseases. For instance, less
than 200 years ago, physicians discovered that they infected many
patients when they did not wash their hands after handling corpses. The
CDC still calls hand washing "the single most effective way to prevent
the transmission of disease," that may otherwise lead to death.
"Better is a handful of rest" - Ecclesiastes 4:6
used to be kind of ignored, like parking our car in a garage and
picking it up in the morning," says David Rapoport, MD, director of the
NYU Sleep Disorders Program. In a study of women ages 50 to 80, more
deaths occurred in women who got less than five hours of sleep per
night. No wonder the bible recommends sleep over "a double handful of
hard work."
Eight hours of sleep each night is recommended. Sleep
is essential to good health and will help boost performance, feeling
great, and looking better-spinning a new meaning to "Sleeping Beauty."
"You must not eat fat" - Leviticus 3:3-17
some fat have been prescribed healthy in certain conditions and for
certain people, "saturated and trans fats both have a negative impact on
the body," says an article on Healthy Living by Kevin Rail. Eating
excessive amounts of fatty foods have been linked to excessive weight
gain, increased risk of chronic diseases, depression and a lower
In the third chapter of Leviticus, the ancient
Israelites were instructed concerning the use of fat. They were not to
eat the fat around the loins and intestines and that over the kidneys,
as well as the fatty appendage upon the liver of cattle or goats. In the
case of sheep, the entire fatty tail likewise was not to be eaten. The
Law specifically said, "You must not eat any fat... "
"A calm heart is the life of the fleshly organism." - Proverbs 14:30
is not a popular virtue because many confuse it with weakness and
delusion. Despite so, this virtue is essential for emotional balance,
thought organization and focus. Yes, calmness is next to coolness.
Chemically speaking, it decreases stress hormones while increasing
soothing endorphins through frequent exercise and meditation. No wonder
the bible states that "a calm heart is the life of the fleshly
organism." The Journal of the American Medical Association reports: "Men
who experience outbursts of anger have twice the risk of stroke as men
who control their tempers."
"There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving." - Acts 20:35.
from giving, the bible also warns: "One isolating himself will seek his
own selfish longing; against all practical wisdom he will break forth."
- Proverbs 18:1
Research reveals that strong friendships and
generosity can improve health. A ten-year study in Australia found that
elderly people who had "better social networks with friends and
confidants" were more likely to live longer. Researchers in Canada and
the United States learned that "spending money on others promotes
happiness more than spending money on oneself." Yes, feel free to leave
me a donation, it's good for your health!
"Be modest" - Micah 6:8
is as closely associated with moderation as much as it rhymes with the
word itself. Moderation in every good practice is recommended. For
instance, the Bible condemns harmful excesses, including drunkenness,
gluttony, and oversleeping. - Proverbs 23:20; 20:13
Even when it
comes to spirituality - "Do not be overly righteous, nor show yourself
excessively wise. Why should you bring ruin to yourself?" the Bible
For more juicy topics see Marc's blog.#
*For more on self meditation see The Alien: a Letter to Future Self at
#Marc's blog:
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